Progress Mark Sunday Lunch
Progress Mark Lodge had a very successful Sunday lunch on 27th April at Preston Masonic Hall. We were delighted to welcome the P.G.M. R.W.B. Peter Connolly and his wife Lynne.
Also we were delighted to welcome V.W. Bro. Paul Snape and his wife Sally. The lodge was also pleased to welcome as their guests the son and daughter and members of their families of the late Bro. Alex Green. Who unfortunately passed away just 2 weeks before he was due to celebrate his 60 years in Mark Masonry.
In a very nice gesture  the P.G.M. Presented to the family the certificates he would have presented to Alex at his 60th Anniversary.
A very good Sunday roast beef was enjoyed by all. A session of Stand up Bingo was played and a raffle held. The proceedings were brought to an end with some songs from the shows sung by Sally Shaw and accompanied by W.Bro John Whittle

Story and photographs courtesy of Tony Shaw